Billy & Kelly

Our Love Story
Like all good love stories, this all began on a dance floor. And not just any dance floor. It was the fine Geelong establishment 'Home House' where Billy and Kelly shared a kiss. It was September in 2012, a warm spring night in Geelong, Kelly hastily wiped her red lipstick off her lips to prevent the ensuing pash rash and their lips sealed the deal.
You see, according to Kelly, she had just come to the realisation that her friends younger brother Billy was easy on the eye. Months before the kiss at Home House, Kelly had headed over to her friend's house and parked her car just as Billy pulled up in the driveway. Now, Kelly is the first to admit that she has always been attractive to 'a hot tradie', and when one decidedly hot tradie jumped out of the car from a hard day's work, emptying his car when he asked 'Hey Kell, could you give me a hand?' and asked her to help him out by carrying his eski inside the house, she turned to jelly. The power of Billy Clarke in those dirty tradie short shorts' he was none the wiser that Kelly was a hot mess.
Red faced and ruffled; Kelly then stumbled into the kitchen. her friend peering at her, 'What's wrong with you?' - Kelly confessed on the spot: "I'm flustered, your brother is a bit hot!"
Not many couples can say their story began with an eski.
Following 'love at tradie sight' their life as an engaged couple began with the proposal at Sailor's Falls in Daylesford in October three years ago. It was the most picturesque day according to Billy, who had duped Kelly into thinking they were scouting photography spots for his sister's upcoming wedding. Billy will tell also you that there was dappled mid-morning sunlight spilling across the path down to the falls, birdsong overhead and a gentle breeze. Perfectly romantic conditions. Kelly will remind you that she was wearing a rigid denim skirt as she uncomfortably clomped up and down the steps on the 1.5 kilometre walking track. She scrutinised the pockets of his shorts as she walked behind him - no ring box.
But Billy did have a ring, the very one she loved and had tagged him in on social media, shifting around in his pocket as he walked along, scouting in reality for the perfect proposal spot. He ignored a clearing, with the perfect light falling across the most breathtaking carpet of forget-me-knot flowers, instead trudging on to an area with a giant rock. 'I've f*@ked up here!' thought Billy as he looked around at this less-than-ideal setting of boring rocks, with an Indian family of tourists taking photos nearby, but figured it was now or never. Kneeling on broken glass, Billy proposed to Kelly, and she immediately began to ugly cry, mascara streaming down her face... The Indian family breaking into an applause for the newly engaged couple.
The Day
Kelly and Billy had a surprise wedding and were married at Billys 30th birthday with the help of a few friends to manage their little girl, Milla, the suit and dress. Why a surprise wedding you ask? If you throw global pandemic, a baby, a new job for Billy and Kelly studying full time into the mix, a wedding falls quickly down to the bottom of the agenda. Kelly and Billy figured they weren't busy enough so, in their words, why not kill two birds with one stone and get married at Billy's 30th birthday as all the important people will be there.
Most of the vendors were friends of Kelly and Billy, eagerly wanting to help out their mates. A special mention to Bree at BLT jewellery who remade Kelly's dads (deceased) wedding band into Kelly's wedding band, Tara at Wattle and Pom for sourcing the flowers, as all requested flowers were ruined due to the awful weather and torrential down pour in the weeks prior to the wedding, Lainie at Lainie Brookman Couture for being Kelly's sound board with her dress. As it was a surprise wedding and only a few friends knew of the day, Kelly had chosen not to share her dress design to anyone other than Lainie, making it difficult to know if her dress was 'perfect'. Lainie worked around the clock, with only 4 months notice, perfecting Kellys wish for a simple and flattering dress. Importantly, a special big thank you to Caz at Caz Michalak Creative Co for capturing the best day of our lives. Seeing the joy on our loved ones faces when they realised Billys 30th birthday has turned into a wedding day was truly priceless and we are so happy we planned our day this way.
Ceremony and reception space: The Federal
Location of dress change: Geelong Vintage Market
Celebrant: Isabella Henricus
Catering (inc Drink service): The Federal
Flowers: Wattle & Pom
Photographer: Caz Michalak Creative Co
Music: Spotify playlist
Makeup: Danni Erkul makeup
Tan: Double Dark by MineTan
Hair: by bride
Jewellery/Bride and Groom wedding bands: BLT Jewellery
Kelly earrings: Sable and Dixie
Dress: Lainie Brookman Couture
Kelly sandals: Famous footwear
Suit: MJ Bale
Shirt and tie: Eddy Elias
Billy boots: RM Williams
Flower girl dress: Etsy
Memorial charms on bouquet: Etsy